Aberdeen Student Show

Aberdeen Student Show
Genre Musical Comedy or Revue
Show type Annual student charity
Date of premiere 1921
Location Aberdeen, Scotland
Creative team
Various Changes annually
Official website

Aberdeen Student Show[1] is a musical and theatrical show, usually with a strong comedy element, staged every year in Aberdeen, Scotland. Its purpose is to raise money for charity, as part of the Aberdeen Students' Charities Campaign.[2]

The Student Show has been held annually every year since 1921. From the start it has involved a number of young writers, performers and musicians who have gone on to greater renown in the fields of theatre, media and the arts.

It is normally staged in one of Britain's major professional theatres.[3] It usually reflects the distinctive humour, culture and character of people living in North-east Scotland.

The Student Show is traditionally performed by students involved in tertiary education in Aberdeen. It is generally written and produced by students, or former students, of the city's universities or colleges of further education.



A more comprehensive database is available in Google Docs.[43]


In 1920, at the prompting of the authorities at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, the Students' Representative Council (SRC) of Aberdeen University established a series of fund-raising events in aid of local hospitals; central to which was the annual Gala Week.[4] In 1921 the Gala Week opened with the first Student Show, a mock trial (of a breach of promise case) held in the Aberdeen University Debating Chamber ("The Debater") at Marischal College.[44] The Gala Week Committee then invited the University Debating Society to stage an annual musical comedy or revue based on student life.[4] The first of these, in 1922, ‘Stella, the Bajanella’[45] was written by then undergraduate Eric Linklater with music by JS Taylor. The Show then became an annual event, performed in various venues in Aberdeen, including the Training Centre Hall in St. Andrew Street, the Aberdeen College Hall and the Palace Theatre in 1927 and 1928, before finding a home in His Majesty's Theatre in 1929. Since then it has occasionally been performed elsewhere in the city, when His Majesty's Theatre was unavailable[3] – the Aberdeen College of Education in 1981 and 1982, the Music Hall Aberdeen in 2004 and His Majesty's Theatre – Hilton (the former College of Education theatre) in 2005.

The Student Show has been produced every year in Aberdeen without a break since 1921,[46] including throughout World War II.[47] The cast is made up of volunteer students. They rehearse each new show during the Easter academic vacation. The following week - the first of the academic summer term - they perform the show, generally in the evenings, in front of paying audiences.[1]

The 2011 Student Show, 'Sleepless in Seaton' was staged at His Majesty's Theatre, on 20–23 April 2011 and raised £56,000 for the Aberdeen Students' Charities Campaign. The 2008, 2009 and 2010 shows, 'Date Expectations', 'Dial 'M' For Mastrick' and 'Back to the Teuchter' raised £32,000, £38,000[48] and £49,000 respectively.[49]

The 2012 Student Show, 'Mary Torphins' is scheduled to take place at His Majesty's Theatre from 18–21 April 2012.

Cultural background

The Student Show traditionally draws on the humour and character of the North-east of Scotland. Much use is usually made of the Aberdonian dialect, as well as the Doric dialect spoken in rural parts of the North-east.

Notable alumni

Among those who were associated with the Student Show in its earlier years were Eric Linklater,[47] Sonia Dresdel, Stephen Mitchell, Moultrie Kelsall, and Andrew Cruickshank.[3] Cruickshank later became famous for his portrayal of Dr Cameron in the 1960s BBC Television series Dr Finlay's Casebook. Participants from later in the 20th Century include playwright and educationalist James Scotland,[50] William "Buff" Hardie and Stephen Robertson of Scotland the What?, and members of The Flying Pigs.[28] Other locally or nationally renowned past-performers, many of whom went on to careers in the news and entertainment industries, include Margo Barron, Derek Brechin, Quentin Cramb,[28] Larry Gray, David and Gwen Haggart, Margaret Hardie, Jill Hay, Harry Hill, "Torry Quine" and Grampian TV celebrity June Imray, Douglas Kynoch (a broadcaster for over 30 years with Grampian Television and BBC Scotland, presenting the TV news programmes "Reporting Scotland" and "Nationwide", and the radio show "Good Morning Scotland"), Graham Stuart (BAFTA-award winning producer of So Graham Norton in 2001), Donald Manson, Ian Middler, George and Sheila Reid, Eva Robertson, Ruth Nicol Smith and Barry Symes.[3]

Notable directors

Novelist, historian and playwright, Eric Linklater (director 1922–24) wrote and directed the first Student Show proper; 'Stella, the Bajanella'. His play 'To Meet the Macgregors' was performed as the Student Show in 1946. This was during his tenure as Rector of Aberdeen University from 1945 to 48.

Dr Douglas F. Raitt (known as "Rab The Rhymer") (director 1931, 1933–34, 1938–39) was a marine biologist who worked in the Marine Laboratory in the Aberdeen district of Torry. He was also a popular radio performer, singing at the piano in broadcasts from the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) Aberdeen Studios.[51] He died age 41 as a result of an accident with a car on October 4, 1944.[52] The shows from 1935 to 1939 were musical comedies, mostly written by students under Raitt's direction.[4] The 1933 show 'Town and Gown' was rewritten extensively and presented in its new form for a week in September 1934. This unusual timing for Student Show, during the university long vacation, was so as to coincide on September 10 and 11, 1934 with the third visit to Aberdeen[53] of the British Association for the Advancement of Science.[54][55]

Moultrie Kelsall, head of the then British Broadcasting Company's Aberdeen Radio Station, 2BD, produced 'Aurora Borealis' in 1932. Kelsall subsequently had a 30-year acting career in television and movies.

Reginald Barrett-Ayres[56] (1920–1981), a graduate of Edinburgh University, was Director of Music at the Quaker Ackworth School near Pontefract, Yorkshire from 1942 to 45; and at Glasgow Academy from 1945 to 51. He joined Aberdeen University's Department of Music and Drama, as a Lecturer in January 1951. He became acting Head of Department in 1956 and remained in post (latterly, as Reader and Head of Department) until his death in a road accident at age 61. He was an expert on the music of Haydn, particularly the string quartets. His own compositions included three operas, concertos for violin and double bass, operettas, choral works, solos, duets, anthems and hymns.[57] He was involved in many of the University's theatrical and musical productions, directing or co-directing an unsurpassed nine Student Shows between 1955 and 1965. With George Low he co-wrote the Show theme song "Spirit of Show". 'Laughing at Life', a show consisting of original music and arrangements, is listed as "c. 1961",[58] but is likely to be the 1954 Student Show of the same title.

"A. Hay Prestowe" (co-director 1944) was the pseudonym of Andrew Shivas. While he was an undergraduate at Aberdeen he played in the university dance orchestra, was a tympanist for the university symphony orchestra, a pipe band big drummer, and student show xylophonist. He was also an accomplished conjurer, from which arose his pseudonym (a play on hey presto!),[59] and co-founder, in 1925, of the Aberdeen Magical Society. A pathologist in later life in Edinburgh, Dr Shivas died of a stroke in 1996.[60]

Roddy Begg, director of the 1974, 1979 and 1983 Student Shows, and of the 2000 and 2005 reunions, has a lifelong interest in the theatre, acting and directing for Aberdeen’s Studio Theatre Group[61] (which he co-founded in the 1960s) and other dramatic and musical groups. He was Director of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society and Honorary Vice President of Aberdeen Opera Company.[62] A graduate of the University of Aberdeen, he was a member of staff for over three decades, as Secretary to the Faculties of Medicine and Science, Registry Officer, Clerk to the Senate, and Secretary to the University. He retired as Secretary in 1999, taking up the post of Director of Alumni Relations. He retired from the University in February 2002. In November 2006 he was awarded the Degree of Doctor of Honoris Causa by Aberdeen University, in recognition of his lifelong commitment to the Institution.[63]

Charles Barron[64] (Student Show director 1977–78 and reunion co-director 2005) has a long and prolific[65] tenure in the dramatic arts, Doric dialect and history of the Scottish North-East. He graduated from Aberdeen University with a First Class Honours Degree in English Language and Literature, taught in Aberdeen and Inverurie, where began a 40-year association with Haddo House, as Shakespearean actor, Director of Operas, Arts Director and creator of the Youth Theatre. In 1970, he became Head of Speech and Drama at Aberdeen College of Education (later the Northern College of Education, which eventually became subsumed within Aberdeen University). He is the award-winning author of the Doric plays ‘Fooshion’ and ‘Amang the Craws’.

Rhona Mitchell choreographed the 1978, 1979 and 1981 shows, and also directed in 1981. She has worked professionally on radio and stage and as a freelance voice coach, drama tutor and director for more than 25 years with Scottish Television, BBC Scotland and many theatres across Scotland. She founded the Mitchell School of Drama in Inverurie in 1983. She co-directs the Abderite Theatre Company, in which capacity she directed 'Gobi's Eyes' in 2004, and 'Ouch' in 2005. She also produced the first Garioch Theatre Festival in April 2005.

Ronnie Middleton, an Arts Graduate of Aberdeen University, mathematics teacher at Powis Academy[66] and later Cults Academy, dancer, singer and multi-faceted actor, directed Student Show in 1986 and from 1988 to 90, co-directed the 2000 reunion and took part as cast member in many shows in the 1970s. Ronnie was a prolific performer and director with local theatre groups. He co-founded the Aberdeen Phoenix Theatre Company.[67] He was also closely involved in the Attic Theatre Company,[68] in Powis Academy stage productions, Temporary Fualt and Punchline, until his death from cancer in 2002. Ronnie is also remembered for his secret, but well-known, fortnightly role at Pittodrie Stadium as Angus the Bull, Aberdeen Football Club's mascot.

Other notable contributors

George Sinclair, formerly headmaster at Powis Academy,[66] stage-managed 38 Student Shows from the 1950s, many of them with the assistance of Colin MacKenzie, who eventually succeeded him as stage manager of Show. During the same period George Sinclair also stage-managed 32 shows for the Aberdeen Lyric Musical Society.[3][69]

Other notable contributors behind the scenes, as recollected by former Show set designer Edi Swan, include stage managers Bill McCann, Derek Nisbet, Sandy Youngson, John Webster and Gus Law; choreographers Eileen Ewen (1947–57) and Jean Birse; set designers Alex Young and Melvin Dalgarno; make-up artists George Grant and Sandy Dale; wardrobe mistresses Alice Sparke and Ena McLaughlan; and administrators Philip Ross, Robin McLeod, Bob Downie, John Bain, Alec Main and John Duffus.[3]

The script editor for the 1951 Student Show 'Spring In Your Step' was Colin MacLean, who went on to be the Founding Editor, in 1965, of the Times Educational Supplement, Scotland, and from March 1979 to June 1990 was Managing Director (Publishing) of Aberdeen University Press.

Theme song

The 1922 theme song "Stella, the Bajanella", by R. F. G. McCallum and J. S. Taylor, became a popular anthem for many years. It was replaced in the 1950s by "Spirit of Show", written by George Low with music by Reginald Barrett-Ayres. "Spirit of Show" has since remained the traditional anthem of Student Show.

Descendant comedy shows

"Scotland the What?". William "Buff" Hardie and Steve Robertson first met in the Student Show in 1952.[70] George Donald, another University of Aberdeen student, wrote music for the 1954 Student Show, but did not take part in it. So all three only met together later through the Aberdeen Revue Group, which is where they also found their future producer Jimmy Logan. (He later had to revert in public to his formal first name "James" in order to join the actors' union Equity, because there was already a Glaswegian comic using the professional name Jimmy Logan.)[71] Buff Hardie had first appeared in the 1951 Student Show 'Spring in Your Step', and co-wrote the 1957 show 'College Bounds'.[72] But it was after the 1968 Show 'Running Riot' - which the four men wrote, composed, produced and directed - that the idea of putting on a show of their own at the Edinburgh Festival was first mooted.[73] The on-stage trio of Hardie, Robertson and Donald first appeared under the banner of "Scotland the What?" at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in 1969. Jimmy Logan, who directed the Student Show in 1966, 1968 and from 1972 to 1973, also directed "Scotland the What?" from 1969 until his death in 1993.[74]

"Temporary Fualt" (sic) and "Punchline". Michael Jamieson and Gary Simpson first took part in the 1976 Show 'A Just in Time'. Gary served as Student Show script editor (1981–82). In 1978 and 1980 they wrote and produced two "Temporary Fualt" revues at the Aberdeen University Student Union, and, in 1982 and 1983, the revues "Punchline: Second Hand News" and "Punchline: Upstage Downstage" at the Aberdeen Arts Centre. Many Student Show cast members took part, and several of the sketches first performed in these revues were reprised in subsequent Student Shows.

"The Flying Pigs". Student Show members Moray Barber, Andrew Brebner, Elaine Clark, Greg Gordon, Susan Gordon, John Hardie, Craig Pike and Steve Rance formed The Flying Pigs in 1996. The group have performed twelve revues in Aberdeen,[75] at the Aberdeen Arts Centre, Lemon Tree Studio Theatre, and His Majesty's Theatre; as well as recording a BBC Scotland Radio series (Desperate Fishwives). A BBC Scotland TV Pilot of the same name was broadcast on 14 December 2010.


'Stella, the Bajanella' (1922) was apparently named for Stella Henriques, a medical student at Aberdeen University.[76] Bajan, a medieval term (literally 'yellow beak' – bec jaune), describing trainees in the pre-student year,[77] was traditionally applied to Aberdeen University freshmen.[78] Female students were referred to as "bajanellas".[79]

1928's 'Admirable Crichton' was a production of The Admirable Crichton, a comedy play written in 1902 by Scotsman J. M. Barrie, Rector of the University of St Andrews from 1919 to 1922. Barrie's older brother, Alexander, graduated with honours in Classics at Aberdeen University in 1866.[80]

Several titles employ or make puns from local place names – 'Rosemount Nights' (1923); 'Mounthooly The Magic Roundabout' (1990), based on the city’s iconic Mounthooly Roundabout;[81] 'Woodside Storey' (1993), 'The Sound of Mastrick' (1995), 'From Rubislaw With Love' (1998) 'Butch Cassie-End and The SunnyBank Kid' (2000) [the Aberdeen district of Causewayend is pronounced "Cassie-end"], 'A Midstocket's Night Scream' (2002), 'An American in Powis' (2003), 'Dial 'M' For Mastrick' (2009) and 'Mary Torphins' (2012). Two shows use the local pronunciation of Footdee – 'Fittie': 'A Tale of Two Fitties' (2000) and 'Fittie Woman' (2005).

Some titles draw on the local Doric dialect: 'Kings and Quines' (1969) [quine = girl]; 'Fit's At!' (1973) [ = what’s that?]; 'Fit Next!' (1974) [= what next ?/ now what?]; 'Fit Like' (1975) [how are you?]; 'Fit's On?' (1982)[= what’s on?]; 'Scaffie Society' (1997) [scaffie = street orderly. Cafe Society was a local restaurant and bar]; 'The Codfaither' (2001) (faither = father); cod refers to the formerly pre-eminent fishing port of Aberdeen; and 'Back To The Teuchter' (2010) – Teuchter being a Doric-speaking North-east Scot.

Many titles, traditionally, are puns and plays on other well-known theatrical titles, e.g. 'Folies Berserques' (1960) – Folies Bergère; 'Risques Galore' (1980) – Whisky Galore; 'A Coarse Line' (1986) – A Chorus Line; 'The Provost Of Oz' (1987) – The Wizard of Oz; 'Mounthooly The Magic Roundabout' (1990) – The Magic Roundabout; 'N.E. Man and The Burgers Of Doom' (1991) – Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Woodside Storey (1993) – West Side Story; Alas Poor Doric (1994) – “alas poor Yorick!” from Hamlet; The Sound of Mastrick (1995) – The Sound of Music; 'The Good, The Bad and The Buttery' (1996) – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. (Buttery is an Aberdeen breakfast roll); 'From Rubislaw With Love' (1998) – From Russia With Love; 'A Tale of Two Fitties' (1999) – A Tale of Two Cities; 'Butch Cassie-End and The SunnyBank Kid' (2000) – Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; 'The Codfaither' (2001) – The Godfather; 'A Midstocket's Night Scream' (2002) – A Midsummer Night’s Dream; 'An American in Powis' (2003) – An American in Paris; 'Spook Who's Talking' (2004) – Look Who's Talking; 'Fittie Woman' (2005) - Pretty Woman; 'Yokel Hero' (2006) – Local Hero; 'Invasion of the Doric Snatchers' (2007) – Invasion of the Body Snatchers; 'Date Expectations' (2008) – Great Expectations; also based on the Cilla Black TV show 'Blind Date'; 'Dial 'M' For Mastrick' (2009) – Dial M For Murder; 'Back To The Teuchter' (2010) – Back To The Future; 'Sleepless in Seaton' (2011) - Sleepless in Seattle and 'Mary Torphins' (2012) - Mary Poppins.

The 1976 title, originally 'Just in Time', was changed by Director Paul Cowan to 'A Just in Time', as a play on 'adjusting' time (the show having a running time-travel theme).[82]


Under the auspices of the Aberdeen University Alumnus Association, reunion cabarets (titled "Spirit Of The Show", honouring the Barrett-Ayres and Low composition) featuring former members from Student Shows as early as 1942 were held at the Aberdeen University Student Union in 1995 (coinciding with the University's Quincentennial); and at the University's Elphinstone Hall in 2000 and 2005. Approximately 250 former cast members attended each reunion, of whom about 70 re-enacted sketches and musical numbers from former shows. The oldest performer in the 2000 reunion was Duncan Murray, a retired doctor from Kent, who had appeared in the Show between 1942 and 1945. He sang “Rosemount Rosie”, one of the most popular Student Show numbers of the 40s.[83]


  1. ^ a b "Aberdeen University Student Association – Student Show". Ausa.org.uk. 2010-04-24. http://www.ausa.org.uk/content/page.php?page_id=10&sub_id=22. Retrieved 2010-07-22. 
  2. ^ "Aberdeen University Student Association – ASCC (Charities)". Ausa.org.uk. http://www.ausa.org.uk/content/page.php?page_id=10. Retrieved 2010-07-22. 
  3. ^ a b c d e f Edi Swan: His Majesty's Theatre – One Hundred Years of Glorious Damnation (Black & White Publishing) (2006) ISBN 978-184502-102-3
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u Anderson RD . The Student Community in Aberdeen 1860–1939. Aberdeen University Press, 1998. ISBN 0-08-036588-4
  5. ^ National Library of Scotland ref: Eric Linklater – Acc.10282/26; http://www.doollee.com/PlaywrightsL/linklater-eric.html
  6. ^ Printed privately 1923: see http://www.booksandwriters.co.uk/writer/L/eric-robert-russell-linklater.asp
  7. ^ SIgned script held in Aberdeen University Special Libraries and Archives MS 3490; http://calms.abdn.ac.uk/DServe/dserve.exe?dsqServer=Calms&dsqIni=Dserve.ini&dsqApp=Archive&dsqCmd=Show.tcl&dsqDb=Catalog&dsqPos=0&dsqSearch=%28%28text%29=%27Rosemount%20Nights%27%29
  8. ^ Printed by W W Lindsay 1924: see http://www.booksandwriters.co.uk/writer/L/eric-robert-russell-linklater.asp
  9. ^ ? based on the 1922 DW Griffith silent movie, "One Exciting Night"
  10. ^ Text available at Project Gutenberg http://www.gutenberg.org/files/3490/3490-h/3490-h.htm
  11. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm Souvenir program covers 1934 – 96 held at Aberdeen University Special Libraries Collection MS 3472 – https://aulib.abdn.ac.uk/F/Q8D7CTEJY7AJAQ437LLBXHS983NGQ33P14YHEQMF9AXVI4LGAP-15017?func=full-set-set&set_number=006089&set_entry=000053&format=999
  12. ^ Souvenir Program held at Aberdeen University Special Libraries Collection: https://aulib.abdn.ac.uk/F/UL549SR9IEEJVYB2CLHU48V67ML26YAXRNXQ1KHRPQGJC6E16A-05820?func=full-set-set&set_number=006065&set_entry=000001&format=999
  13. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s Souvenir programs 1942–44 and 1947–61 held at Aberdeen University Special Libraries Collection MS 3426 – https://aulib.abdn.ac.uk/F/Q8D7CTEJY7AJAQ437LLBXHS983NGQ33P14YHEQMF9AXVI4LGAP-06370?func=full-set-set&set_number=006074&set_entry=000010&format=999
  14. ^ Linklater, E.R.R. National Library of Scotland ref: Citizens' Theatre – Acc.4933/6. Published with "Love in Albania" by MacMillan, London 1950.
  15. ^ referenced in RF Mackenzie's obituary http://www.rfmackenzie.info/html/tribute_s_to_rf.html
  16. ^ Interview with Dr Frances Allan, Aberdeen University Special Libraries Archive MS 3620/1/90. http://calms.abdn.ac.uk/DServe/dserve.exe?dsqServer=Calms&dsqIni=Dserve.ini&dsqApp=Archive&dsqDb=Catalog&dsqCmd=show.tcl&dsqSearch=%28RefNo==%22MS%203620/1/90%22%29
  17. ^ accessed July 31, 2010
  18. ^ a b c d Biography in: Leslie CV. Divine Timing. Trafford Publishing, Victoria, Canada (2004). ISBN 1-4120-1448-4
  19. ^ Souvenir program held at Aberdeen University Special Libraries Collection – shelfmark L Aa P94 The 1994 – https://aulib.abdn.ac.uk/F/Q8D7CTEJY7AJAQ437LLBXHS983NGQ33P14YHEQMF9AXVI4LGAP-07035?func=full-set-set&set_number=006083&set_entry=000006&format=999
  20. ^ brief script extract appears in McClure JD, Doric: The Dialect of North-east Scotland. John Benjamins Publishing Co. 2002. ISBN 978-9027247179 (pages 197 – 199)
  21. ^ reviewed by Paul Massey, The Herald Scotland 2 May 1997 – http://www.heraldscotland.com/sport/spl/aberdeen/theatre-scaffie-society-his-majesty-s-theatre-aberdeen-1.400408
  22. ^ brief script extract appears in McClure JD, Doric: The Dialect of North-east Scotland. John Benjamins Publishing Co. 2002. ISBN 978-9027247179 (page 199)
  23. ^ review by Paul Massey, The Scotland Herald 22 Apr 1999 – http://www.heraldscotland.com/sport/spl/aberdeen/a-tale-of-two-fitties-his-majesty-s-theatre-aberdeen-1.295415. Retrieved 26 July 2010.
  24. ^ "Butch Cassie-End and the SunnyBank Kid on Arts Archive". Arts-archive.com. http://www.arts-archive.com/index.php?pg=12&action=work&wid=S18891129&genre=p&alpha=Butch%20Cassie-End%20and%20the%20SunnyBank%20Kid&gname=Play. Retrieved 2010-08-05. 
  25. ^ His Majesty's Theatre listing – http://www.arts-archive.co.uk/index.php?pg=12&action=performance&pid=L01077044665&arch=Y
  26. ^ His Majesty's Theatre listing http://www.arts-archive.com/index.php?pg=12&action=work&genre=Z&gname=Event%2Fshow&wid=S808259758
  27. ^ "An American in Powis on Arts Archive". Arts-archive.co.uk. http://www.arts-archive.co.uk/index.php?pg=12&action=work&genre=P&gname=Play&wid=S0233149250. Retrieved 2010-08-05. 
  28. ^ a b c http://www.leopardmag.co.uk/feats/104/laughing-stock accessed July 31, 2010
  29. ^ His Majesty's Theatre listing http://www.arts-archive.co.uk/index.php?pg=12&action=work&genre=P&gname=Play&wid=S0133601301
  30. ^ http://www.abdn.ac.uk/~src229/yokelonline.pdf
  31. ^ production photographs http://www.bebo.com/c/photos/album_detail?MemberId=4750583939&PhotoAlbumId=5551073618 accessed July 26, 2010
  32. ^ http://www.abdn.ac.uk/~src229/snatchersonline.pdf
  33. ^ production photographs http://www.bebo.com/c/photos/view?MemberId=4750583939&PhotoAlbumId=5551421048&PhotoId=5551421021#photoId=5551421075 accessed July 26, 2010
  34. ^ production photographs http://www.flickr.com/photos/szmytke/sets/72157604538526664/ and http://www.bebo.com/c/photos/album_detail?MemberId=4750583939&PhotoAlbumId=7289973649 both accessed July 26, 2010
  35. ^ newspaper preview article http://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/Article.aspx/577516?UserKey= accessed July 26, 2010
  36. ^ cast list http://www.abdn.ac.uk/~src229/cast08.html accessed July 26, 2010
  37. ^ accessed July 31, 2010
  38. ^ accessed July 31, 2010
  39. ^ His Majesty's Theatre listing http://www.boxofficeaberdeen.com/prod-productions_details.asp?VenueID=87&pid=1685
  40. ^ Aberdeen University press release http://www.abdn.ac.uk/~wox004/release.php?id=1710
  41. ^ accessed July 26, 2010
  42. ^ preview, Aberdeen Press & Journal http://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/Article.aspx/1683671?UserKey=
  43. ^ http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AvEhWi2u1OMndG1vZjhjdTRLN0VhSm9HU3BVcHgxcUE&hl=en#gid=0
  44. ^ Aberdeen University Review Volume IX 1921–22. Aberdeen University Press, 1922. http://www.archive.org/stream/aberdeenuniversi08univuoft/aberdeenuniversi08univuoft_djvu.txt
  45. ^ National Library of Scotland ref: Eric Linklater – Acc.10282/26; http://www.doollee.com/PlaywrightsL/linklater-eric.html
  46. ^ "Collection Highlight. Special Libraries & Archives. University of Aberdeen". Abdn.ac.uk. http://www.abdn.ac.uk/diss/heritage/studentshow.shtml. Retrieved 2010-08-05. 
  47. ^ a b "Collection Highlight. Special Libraries & Archives. University of Aberdeen". Abdn.ac.uk. http://www.abdn.ac.uk/diss/heritage/studentshow.shtml. Retrieved 2010-07-22. 
  48. ^ "Aberdeen University Student Association". Ausa.org.uk. http://www.ausa.org.uk/content/page.php?page_id=10&sub_id=22. Retrieved 2010-08-05. 
  49. ^ "Aberdeen University Student Association". Ausa.org.uk. http://www.ausa.org.uk/10-22. Retrieved 2010-11-11. 
  50. ^ "Aberdeen's man for all seasons". Leopardmag.co.uk. http://www.leopardmag.co.uk/feats/44/james-scotland. Retrieved 2010-08-05. 
  51. ^ "What's on: Events in North East Scotland". Leopardmag.co.uk. http://www.leopardmag.co.uk/letters/281/missing-lyrics-just-ask-robbie. Retrieved 2010-08-05. 
  52. ^ Douglas S Raitt. Obituary. Nature 155, 166–167 (10 February 1945)
  53. ^ 'Town and Gown' souvenir magazine, held with other material from the show at Aberdeen University Library Special Collections, Catalogue Number MSU 562/13
  54. ^ https://aulib.abdn.ac.uk/F/UL549SR9IEEJVYB2CLHU48V67ML26YAXRNXQ1KHRPQGJC6E16A-04566?func=full-set-set&set_number=006059&set_entry=000009&format=999
  55. ^ "James Jeans addresses the British Association in 1934". Groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk. http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Extras/BA_1934_J1.html. Retrieved 2010-08-05. 
  56. ^ papers and biographical details of Barrett-Ayres are held in the Aberdeen University Special Libraries Collection (MS 3103) – http://calms.abdn.ac.uk/DServe/dserve.exe?dsqServer=Calms&dsqIni=Dserve.ini&dsqApp=Archive&dsqDb=Catalog&dsqCmd=show.tcl&dsqSearch=%28RefNo==%22MS%203103%22%29
  57. ^ "Enchiridion: Biographies - Bach-Bevan". Canamus.org. http://www.canamus.org/Enchiridion/Biogs/bb1.htm. Retrieved 2010-08-05. 
  58. ^ "University of Aberdeen Archival Database". Calms.abdn.ac.uk. http://calms.abdn.ac.uk/DServe/dserve.exe?dsqServer=Calms&dsqIni=Dserve.ini&dsqApp=Archive&dsqDb=Catalog&dsqCmd=show.tcl&dsqSearch=%28RefNo==%22MS%203103/2/1%22%29. Retrieved 2010-08-05. 
  59. ^ Goldston, W. Tricks of The Masters. Taylor and Francis (London) 1942. p37
  60. ^ Obituary http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2351238/pdf/bmj00546-0048.pdf
  61. ^ "Niet compatibele browser". Facebook. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=38462665794. Retrieved 2010-08-05. 
  62. ^ "Home". Aberdeen-operacompany.com. 2010-05-11. http://www.aberdeen-operacompany.com/. Retrieved 2010-08-05. 
  63. ^ "Media Releases - University of Aberdeen". Abdn.ac.uk. http://www.abdn.ac.uk/mediareleases/release.php?id=780. Retrieved 2010-08-05. 
  64. ^ "Biography". Charlesbarron.co.uk. http://www.charlesbarron.co.uk/page32.html. Retrieved 2010-08-05. 
  65. ^ "Charles Barron - complete guide to the Playwright, Plays, Theatres, Agent". Doollee.com. 2010-01-13. http://www.doollee.com/PlaywrightsB/barron-charles.html. Retrieved 2010-08-05. 
  66. ^ a b site now occupied by St. Machar Academy http://www.st-macharacademy.aberdeen.sch.uk/ accessed July 31, 2010
  67. ^ accessed Aug 5, 2010
  68. ^ http://www.attictheatre.co.uk/ accessed July 31, 2010
  69. ^ accessed July 31, 2010
  70. ^ Steve Robertson: "Scotland The What? An Inside Story" P.45 (Leopard Press) (2010) ISBN 978-0-9534534-5-0
  71. ^ Steve Robertson: "Scotland The What? An Inside Story" P.60 & P.65 (Leopard Press) (2010) ISBN 978-0-9534534-5-0
  72. ^ Interview with William D "Buff" Hardie. Aberdeen University, Special Libraries and Archives MS 3620/1/186/1; http://calms.abdn.ac.uk/DServe/dserve.exe?dsqServer=Calms&dsqIni=Dserve.ini&dsqApp=Archive&dsqCmd=Show.tcl&dsqDb=Catalog&dsqPos=215&dsqSearch=%28RefNo=%273620%27%29
  73. ^ Steve Robertson: "Scotland The What? An Inside Story" P.43 (Leopard Press) (2010) ISBN 978-0-9534534-5-0
  74. ^ Steve Robertson: "Scotland The What? An Inside Story" P.65-71 (Leopard Press) (2010) ISBN 978-0-9534534-5-0
  75. ^ "Last Tango in Powis". Flying Pig Productions. http://www.flyingpigproductions.co.uk/history_ltp.php. Retrieved 2010-08-05. 
  76. ^ Interview with Dr Stella Henriques, Aberdeen University Special Libraries and Archives MS 3620/1/61; http://calms.abdn.ac.uk/DServe/dserve.exe?dsqServer=Calms&dsqIni=Dserve.ini&dsqApp=Archive&dsqCmd=Show.tcl&dsqDb=Catalog&dsqSearch=%28RefNo=%273620%27%29&dsqPos=76
  77. ^ Rait RS. Life in the Medieval University. BiblioBazaar, 2007. ISBN 978-1434695086; reprinted by Dodo Press LaVergne, TN, USA (2009) ISBN 978-1-4099-4696-0
  78. ^ Aberdeen University Review Volume I 1913. Aberdeen University Press 1913. ISBN 978-1151858979
  79. ^ Wordsworth Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. Wordsworth Editions Ltd (2001). ISBN 978-1840223101
  80. ^ Birkin A. "J. M. Barrie & The Lost Boys" Yale University Press 2003. ISBN 0-300-09822-7
  81. ^ "Mounthooly Roundabout Aberdeen". Wikimapia.org. http://wikimapia.org/1741766/Mounthooly-Roundabout. Retrieved 2010-08-05. 
  82. ^ Aberdeen University Library Special Collections & Archives Cat no MSU 562/17
  83. ^ Mike Tait. "Media Release". Abdn.ac.uk. http://www.abdn.ac.uk/mediareleases/archive/2000/pr700.hti. Retrieved 2010-08-05.